"Today something is happening to the structure of human consciousness. A fresh kind of life is starting" - Quote from Teilhard deChardin
Emotional healing begins with dealing with disturbing feelings that disrupt our natural state of calmness, joy and peace. Our emotions are like friends; giving us at first, gentle reminders that perhaps we are not on the right path. However if we do not recognize their message, these emotions may escalate and cease to be reminders and instead, become the essence of who we are. We all know people who are moody or constantly angry. When we are ruled by emotions, we can no longer rationally or objectively look at alternatives.
Emotions are a direct response to the balance of your thoughts
In order to begin emotional healing, we must first centre our being, looking at ourselves from a place of calmness. Then utilizing this serenity, objectively look at which emotions need attention. By realizing which emotions we have allowed to remain unchecked, we can begin a program of self-awareness utilizing meditation, affirmations and deep-breathing to gently return to our calm, centered selves.
Spiritual Spring Cleansing & Healing
We are all unique individuals with unique talents and gifts. Spiritual healing comes from the realization of our uniqueness and a strong inner belief in ourselves. By nurturing our conviction that we are worthy, we release inner fears and blockages. By standing strong in our positive opinion of ourselves, we foster a trust and knowing that we can accomplish all that life brings our way.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
- Quote from Anatole France
Healing begins by reaffirming wellness
By focusing on illness, you cannot create well-being. Choosing wellness as a state of being, healing can be achieved by refocusing and reconnecting to the stream of life force that is available to all of us. Pushing against or resisting this flow of energy creates illness.
Deep, conscious breathing is the simplest way to reconnect. Draw this energy throughout your body with the breath. By seeking to understand our body, our minds, our emotions & spirit, and their interconnectedness, we can better help ourselves on our way to true health.
By utilizing the wisdom of affirmations, meditation and positive thinking we can further help ourselves at any time in our healing cycle. By recognizing it and understanding it, we can use this knowledge to continue on the path of healing: one step at a time.
Deep, conscious breathing is the simplest way to reconnect. Draw this energy throughout your body with the breath. By seeking to understand our body, our minds, our emotions & spirit, and their interconnectedness, we can better help ourselves on our way to true health.
By utilizing the wisdom of affirmations, meditation and positive thinking we can further help ourselves at any time in our healing cycle. By recognizing it and understanding it, we can use this knowledge to continue on the path of healing: one step at a time.
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